Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings


In health care, sepsis is the number one priority to minimizing hospital stay. It prematurely helps all the health workers from struggling form keeping patients for over a long time after they have succumbed to hospital acquired sepsis immediately after their initial treatment (Bridwell, R et al., 2019). All health care workers need to be trained on the ideal practices and procedures which need intense care for the patients (Demisse, et al., 2019). More so, there is need for the employment of a focal infection prevention personnel who can help the health care team in holding infection prevention meetings and trainings to help the health care workers be as per with the current measures kept in place concerning maintenance of sepsis (Damani, 2019).


The PICO mnemonic is used in understanding the four general characteristic of a good clinical question to a patient. The mnemonic helps in aligning the quality questions to be asked before starting up the treatment and management process of a patient (Schiavenato & Chu, 2021)Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings.

Problem Sepsis on post caesarean mother and post SVD mother
Intervention Starting the mother on antibiotics
Comparison Maintaining infection prevention when cleaning the incision site.
Outcome The mother reporting of feeling better

The information on sepsis was searched using the internet search engine where key terms such as health care providers, infection prevention practices, sepsis and maintenance of infection prevention  was done in the surgical and medical areas. The data base used was entirely geared towards providing the most recent information which can be used in fulfilling the purpose of the topic under discussion. The study used a total of twenty papers at each stage of refinement of the study to make it look original and authentic throughout the search process. Those articles which were dated older than the past five years were excluded from the study. Also, those articles which were not clear on how sepsis was maintained were not included in the study. At the end of the search process, the study was chosen considering the availability of data available in the internet to help in careful analysis of the chosen topic Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings.

In the first half of the search process, articles having information patient’s turnover after discharge following hospital acquired infection were entirely selected. These articles were to be based on the level of treatment the patient got after they had reposted to have had an infection after the treatment process. After that, articles which had information on patients’ mortality rates following post aseptic techniques were searched. These articles were to entirely direct us on discerning some of the end results that poor infection prevention measures to patients brought. The essence of having these two stages in the search process was to actually help the researcher draw a line in between the short-term results of sepsis together with the long-term results. Thereafter, there was a careful analysis of the chosen articles which were found to be helpful in making a final judgement on the chosen topic on sepsis.

Search Process

This paper on sepsis was selected due to the largest number of reported cases in the large hospitals which constantly had large number of mortality cases brought about by poor infection prevention practices. Therefore, it was wise to settle on this research question to help in culminating a variety of interventions which can be utilized in decreasing the menace reported by almost all patients when they return to the hospital following discharge because of the hospital acquired infections. Sepsis has also been termed as the leading causes of early mortality cases among women who have just delivered. Curbing the issue at its ripe stages can easily help in demystifying some of the causative factors to the development of sepsis. Also, there is less information which has been reported so far on how sepsis can be managed especially among the mothers who have just given birth. Therefore, the health care providers are given a mandate to be apt in their health care delivery models. A more advanced home based care on infection prevention regimen needs to be put in place to help women who are unable to take themselves to the hospital on time.The study question presented in the research is what is the cause of continuous sepsis in post caesarian section women in the post-natal ward after one week of their surgery? Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings

A qualitative study design was utilized in reaching a basic understanding of the study question. This design was effective because it helped in providing a variety of information which is effective in establishing the causative outcome of increased cases of sepsis in most of the distinguished hospitals.

The participants were selected based on their knowledge of sepsis on how it had affected them ever since they conceived. These participants were to be exclusively relevant when providing their explanations on sepsis

Sample size

The sample size selected was a total of 80 women who were out of the pregnancy stage. This sample size was selected to help minimize information overload and biasness when it came to data collection process.

Inclusion Criteria

Women who were post ten days cesarean section delivery were the correct sample size to be included in the study. Also, those who had experienced some form of sepsis were also considered to be part of the study. Additionally, those who had serious third and fourth degree tears post SVD were included in the study since they were at the danger zone of getting direct infection through their open wounds.

Reason For The Choice Of The Paper

Exclusion Criteria

Post SVD women who delivered safely. Also, women who were not ready to expose their information to the public were also excluded from the study

 Sample Adequacy

The chosen sample size was adequate for the entire research process as it well utilized the expected outcome at the end of the search process. All the women who were selected for the study had the required information and they were all comfortable to give out the information concerning their condition in the appropriate manner possible.

Data Collection Methods

The data was collected using search engines such as EmBASE and google scholar. The information searched was to be within the past five years. Also, researcher administered questionnaires were utilized to get raw data from the women who were directly involved in the menace. These methods were appropriate because they provided timely and raw data which was adequate enough to be analyzed for the research Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings.

Data Analysis Method

The collected data was analyzed using SPSS spreadsheet to determine the most common causes of sepsis in the clinical area. This method of analysis was appropriate since it was fast and helped in quick scan and searching.


From a total of thirty three articles, it was noted that most of the presented articles had information on sepsis on mothers who were entirely neglected on the first days post-delivery. These women suffered sepsis due to the lack of compliance from the health provider’s team who were not in a position to quickly discern what their patients were suffering from in the course of their hospital stay. Out of the chosen articles some of them were not clearly illustrating how sepsis was achieved in the hospital especially in the selected areas of study. Therefore, it was evident that these articles lacked the appropriate interventions and outcomes to be dedicated to the patients with sepsis.

On the questionnaires administered by the researcher, it was evident that most of the women who were involved in the study were constantly under complains due to the frequent neglect from the health care providers who were not readily available to help them clean up their wounds (Burlinson, et al.,2018) Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings.


The research topic was valid in that it provided the exact and real time information on how sepsis is maintained in the clinical setting. It was clear on how the study participants were all affected directly by the mundane of poor aseptic techniques in the clinical area. Therefore, the provided data was sufficient enough to derive more meaningful solutions and interventions which could be placed in position to help most women who go through neglect while in the hospital. The study provided the expected results as per the previously stated research question. The study participants were all affected in one way or another in the course of their hospital stay. Therefore, it is evident on how the clear picture of how sepsis can be fatal when not well handled at its early stages. Validity is also seen in how the research methodology used was accurately concurrent with the study results. As per the analysis of the study done, most of the reposted cases on sepsis were directly linked to the neglect brought by the health care providers who were in direct contact with these mothers during their first few days after they had delivered.

Sample Size

During the administration of the researcher administered questionnaires, there was biasness observed from the method used in asking questions to particular women. Those who looked learned were only asked the ambiguous questions leaving out those which looked cheap to be asked. On the other hand, those who were in the category of school dropout level were not well explained to the questions asked to help them absorb the right kind of questions for meaningful answers. Therefore, at the end of the question and answers session, some of the filled questionnaires had wrong information eluded from the women.

Biasness was also observed while carrying out the research from the scholarly reviewed articles. Some of the articles which qualified the criteria chosen were not well chosen as per the earlier on stated inclusion criteria. Some of the articles that had close information to the discussed topic were randomly selected to cover up on the few selection. Mothers who were in some of the chosen articles were also not well utilized during the data collection process as they constantly had reports of neglect and vulnerability in the hospital area.

The study was strongly supported with the relevant information from the most expected group of patients who had the high chances of getting sepsis. Therefore, the collected information was well articulated with the correct measure of weighted expectations at the end of the search process. Also, the study participants were adequately prepared psychologically to give out their most valued information for the purpose of future rectification and management. The search engines were also well articulated in accordance to the most recent research making the data collected to be enriched with the most relevant information. The study participants were therefore adequate to carry out the study Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings

Significance of the Results

The collected data is to be used in carefully assimilating the best intervention measures which can be put in place to help reduce the mundane of sepsis among the post-delivery mothers.

The collected data was not well geared to help other patients out of the maternity area despite there being a cross sectional effect of sepsis around other areas of the hospital. However, the collected data is enough to help in the determination of clinical significance of the chosen topic since it is enriched with the required type and level of information needed to help in eradication of sepsis at the maternity area.

The research study is relevant to the presented sample size in the essence of helping the health care providers find the most valuable methods which can be utilized in creating the most effective and efficient methods to help in reducing the high number of sepsis cases reported (Cordioli et al., 2013)Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings. The findings presented are relevant to clinical practice in unveiling the gap in the clinical area which can be matched with the best infection prevention practices when well utilized to the maximum.

Inclusion Criteria

Engaging health care providers in understanding the significance of maintaining aseptic techniques while handling the inner layers of the human body is efficient in early prevention of any cause of alarm which might suffice in the course of hospitalization. By understanding the causes of sepsis in women post-delivery, the clinical officers, doctors and nurses are in a better position of judging the best infection prevention practices which need to be maintained at all times while handling mothers from their first stage of delivery to their fourth stage (Wang et al., 2019).

While in theatre for a caesarian section there is need to practice high standards of infection prevention measures from the beginning of the procedure to the end. This will ensure there is minimal reported cases on sepsis especially when these mothers are discharged from the theatre. During the care of the incision site in the recovery area, the health care providers are encouraged to be apt in adapting to the new laid out infection prevention measures. The provided results are significant in helping the healthcare providers form effective infection prevention measures to help reduce the reported cases on sepsis. Since sepsis comes with a variety of complications when not well handled at its early stages, there is usually a gap left in covering up what has already been destroyed unless a comparison effort is sort out for in the process of caring and treatment of these mothers (Oud, 2014) Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings. Therefore, through this research question, health care providers are given an opportunity of delving deeper to understanding the most common ways of sepsis occurrence and some of the measures which can be taken to successfully handle such cases when presented to them


When health care providers are well enlightened the causes of sepsis among the post-delivery mothers, meaningful and effective interventions can be put in place to help ion eradicating the early reposted cases of mortality. This will also ensure no mother is left unattended in the case of sepsis within the first few hours post-delivery. Also, health care providers will find more meaningful procedures which can be utilized in helping women who have succumbed to sepsis. By clearly entangling the health care providers to the rightful procedures while caring for their wounds, it is relevant to the health care providers to be apt and profound in accessing the general causes of the sepsis before the treatment process begins (Mohamed-Ahmed et al., 2019). Through the identification of the causes of the presented sepsis, minimal interventions will be eradicated in place thus minimized comparison measures will be required in the process of providing care to the patients (Mohammed Hassan et al., 2021) Sepsis Management And Prevention In Healthcare Settings.

In conclusion, this topic is effective in enhancing a clear and strategic means of handling sepsis especially among the vulnerable group of patients. It helps women who are post-delivery be well catered for in terms of their wellbeing especially when it comes to achieving maximum aseptic techniques while they are still in their early stages of delivery. Sepsis is therefore needed to be analyzed to reduce high maternal mortality rates during their first few days post-delivery.


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